For many years we ran the website. For a long time it was the unofficial homepage of the museum (because there was nothing else available). When the museum was leased out by De Lijn (they already have a much larger tram/transport museum in Antwerp) the new operators objected to us running this page with Schepdaal museum content. We thus moved on to show photos of the Belgian SNCV/NMVB/NKG trams in general. We have now decided to redirect the old website here to (we will keep the domain name for possible future use) – much easier just to maintain one central website. We may add more “from the archive” material from the SNCV in the future and maybe even from other websites we used to run in years gone by (we had one about Blackpool, the Isle of Man, Milano and London Transport buses – to name just a few of the larger sites).
Here are photos taken at Schepdaal museum over the past years. We thank Thomas E. Fischer for supplying a number of more recent images. We have many more in the collection but then many of these slides are not yet scanned. Please bear with us.
Many of these photos were shown on the old website but we have also added many others.
The “waybackMachine” at took this snapshot of the old website in 2009:
Jacek Pudło drew the logo for us: