More to see in Kiev. We then headed East to Charkiw and ended up in Dnipro (which was also our base for the two other systems nearby). Driving around the country in a big coach is slightly better than driving around in a car (you don’t feel the potholes so much), but even on this tour we encountered a few roads where we could only drive at walking pace.
day 6 – Київ/Kyjiw (Kiew/Kiev)
day 7 – Конотоп (Konotop)
day 7 – Суми (Sumy)
day 8 – Харків (Kharkiv/Charkiw)
day 9/10 – Дніпро (Dnipro)
day 10 – Кам’янське (Kamianske)
day 11 – Запоріжжя (Zaporizhia)